Saturday, May 30, 2009

Swimming with Dolphins

Tuesday was another fun day. I got to swim with dolphins and Luke watched from the sidelines. I was the only one in the group, so I got an hour of just me, the trainer and the two dolphins. They have 25 dolphins in their dolphinarium. The two dolphins that I got to play with were the dominant ones of the group. Their names were Squallo and Mercurio, they were 20 and 27 yr old males. It was so much fun to learn about dolphins and learn commands to give them to do tricks like backflips, spin, talk and clap.


  1. Sorry last comment was mine as Relief Society President looks like lots of fun

  2. Where was the dolphinarium at? It looks like you made good friends with these guys.

  3. Those dolphins were getting frisky. I'm surprised Luke didn't beat them up.
